SEMTEK Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

This policy governs the use of SEMTEK’s paid hosting services. Violations may result in suspension or termination. In disputes regarding this AUP, SEMTEK’s interpretation will prevail. For questions, contact support [at]

Table of Contents
1. Offensive Content
2. Security
3. Bulk Commercial Email
4. Unsolicited Email
5. Material Protected by Copyright
6. Copyright Infringement Notice
7. Fair Share of Resources
8. Other
9. Internet Abuse
10. Newsgroup, Chat Forums, Other Networks
11. Disclaimer

1. Offensive Content
Content prohibited on SEMTEK’s services includes:
– Child pornography or any pornography
– Excessive violence, threats, harassment, or hate speech
– Unfair practices or deceptive content
– Defamation or privacy violations
– Content posing safety risks or national security threats
– Illegal or unauthorized activities
Content covers web content, emails, chats, etc.

2. Security
Clients are responsible for securing their login information and website. SEMTEK is not liable for compromised scripts or servers.

3. Bulk Commercial Email
Approval is required for bulk emails and must demonstrate:
– Recipient consent via opt-in
– Consent verification procedures
– Evidence retention and compliance with requests
– A clear privacy policy and opt-out options
– Compliance with applicable laws

4. Unsolicited Email
No unsolicited emails are allowed. Respect all network rules when using SEMTEK services.

5. Material Protected by Copyright
Do not distribute copyrighted work without:
– Authorization from the copyright owner
– Compliance with Vietnamese copyright law
Repeat offenders will have their services terminated.

6. Copyright Infringement Notice
If you believe your copyright is infringed, send a notice to abuse[at] with details including:
– Authorization proof
– Infringed work identification
– Contact information and statements of good faith

7. Fair Share of Resources
Prohibited practices include:
– Excessive CPU or disk usage impacting others
– Running file-sharing or P2P services
– High-bandwidth usage
Violations may result in suspension without notice.

8. Other
Maintain accurate domain registration information for all domains hosted on SEMTEK.

9. Internet Abuse
Prohibited activities include:
– Unauthorized data access or monitoring
– Interference with services
– Forging email headers
Activities harming SEMTEK’s network are not allowed.

10. Newsgroup, Chat Forums, Other Networks
Follow the rules of any forums you participate in, like IRC and USENET.

11. Disclaimer
SEMTEK is not obligated to monitor customer activities and disclaims responsibility for misconduct.

Inquiries regarding this policy should be directed to

Last Edited: January 19th, 2020